Color Bars

This script that colors bars based on Net and leaves the unchanged bars yellow.   I went ahead and added the code necessary to give you an Alert when you have a sequence of unchanged bars.   Now that the script is written, I am sure you can read follow along with the script's logic and make adjustments to the script to make it work the way you have in mind.  

var i,j: integer;
  if who=41 then begin
    for i:=BarBegin to BarEnd do begin
      if Bar(eNet,i)>0 then SetBar(eColor,i,1);
      if Bar(eNet,i)<0 then SetBar(eColor,i,2);
      if Bar(eNet,i)=0 then inc(j) else j:=0;
      if (j=3) and (i=BarEnd) then
        Alert(True, 'Place Order Alert', clRed, clWhite, '');  

The one item that might need explaining is the use of the GetVariable/SetVariable operating on the chart's Commission variable.   We need a place to store the counter J in between executions.   Since this script might be used by multiple charts simultaneously, this counter needs to be preserved between calls.   The counter is the trigger to when an alert should be shown.   Commission is probably not needed by your scripts, which makes it available as storage for our script counter J.

To use this script, cut and paste it into the script editor and save it under a useful name.   Display your chart, and click the #1 button on the Color Bar drop down panel.   This will dress the chart using a user defined color bar, and the script will be called with the Who variable having a value of 41 to do the bar coloring.