Edit Database

You can use ESPL programming to edit the data base records that need to have the posted high or low changed.   A data base record is the overriding source of data for the last bar on a daily chart.   By editing the data base record you simultaneously heal the values used for the last daily bar on the chart.

Use this ESPL script as an example.   I have it coded so clicking the #1 button executes the script and makes changes to two symbols.   I have illustrated editing a futures symbol and an index symbol.   I think with this much of an example you can take it from here.   One other small benefit is that once the script is written, you can use it a 2nd or 3rd time to repost your changes in the event the data feed resends the corrupt values and messes up the record again.   For more information, read the ESPL documentation for the SetData function.

  if Who=1 then begin
    if Find(eFuture,'SP1H') then begin
      SetData(eHigh, 148345);
      SetData(eLow, 147705);
    if Find(eIndex,'@ASA') then begin
      SetData(eHigh, 1545);
      SetData(eLow, 1477);