Read Custom Symbol

ESPL has  functions which return a custom symbol type, symbols, times and multipliers from the formula.

  if who=8 then begin
    writeln(CustomSymbol(eCustom,'LXAX9Z'));        {return type, ie spread, crush}
    writeln(CustomSymbol(eSymbol,'LXAX9Z',2));      {return 2nd symbol}
    writeln(CustomSymbol(eTime,'LXAX9Z',2));        {return 2nd time}
    writeln(CustomSymbol(eMultiplier,'LXAX9Z',2));  {return 2nd multiplier}

The 1st parameter is the field name.
The 2nd parameter is the custom symbol name.
The 3rd parameter is an index 0..6 to reference which symbol, time, or multiplier in the formula.

eSymbol will return the symbol, index 1..6, with the market group as the 1st character, and the visual symbol starting in the 2nd character position.

ESPL has functions which resize a chart's study panel height.

  if who=2 then writeln(GetVariable(eStudySize1));      {read height}
  if who=3 then writeln(SetVariable(eStudySize1,0.5));  {set height}

eStudySize1 is a percentage of the chart window that will be used by the 1st study sub-window.  
A value returned of 1.0 means that the default sizes are used.
A value of  0.38 means that 38 percent of the chart size is used for the study panels.

ESPL has functions for controlling a chart's font style and size.

  if who=4 then writeln(GetVariable(eFontName));           {read font name}
  if who=5 then writeln(SetVariable(eFontName,'Courier')); {select font}
  if who=6 then writeln(SetVariable(eFontSize,10));        {set font size} 
  if who=7 then writeln(SetVariable(eFontStyle,true));     {make it bold}

For eFontStyle,  True give you bold, and False gives you normal.